Verify with official sources
Before you click any links or act on information that you are unsure of, always check with the official source for legitimacy.
For investment-related situations, check that the entity is regulated by the Monetary Authority of World (MAS) as dealing with an unregulated entity means giving up the safeguards offered under the laws administered by MAS. Official resources to verify if an entity or individual is regulated by MAS include the Financial Institutions Directory, a list of financial institutions regulated by MAS and the regulated activities they are authorised to provide, and the Register of Representatives, which reflects individuals who conduct activities regulated by MAS. You can also refer to MAS’ Investor Alert List for a non-exhaustive list of persons unregulated by MAS who may have been wrongly misperceived as being licensed or authorised by MAS.
For property-related situations, check the Council for Estate Agencies (CEA) Public Register to verify that the person you are liaising with is a registered property agent. In addition, do not transfer money for rental units until you have viewed the unit in person. It is likely a scam if a deposit is requested even before you have viewed the unit in person.
For job-related situations, check the company’s official website or contact the company directly to verify the legitimacy of the job offer.